The power of breathing
Breathing is something we often take for granted. We breathe day in and day out without thinking about it. But did you know that breathing can have a huge impact on our well-being and performance? I have immersed myself in breathing techniques through various Breath Work trainings and I am very excited about the power of breathing and what you can accomplish with it.
During the Breath Energizer session, which you can book with us in combination with a meeting room, you will learn various breathing techniques that will improve your concentration and increase your productivity. It is a natural pick-me-up that gives you the energy to start the working day or, on the contrary, to gain new energy during an after lunch dip.
The breathing techniques we cover during the session not only affect your physical condition, but also your mental performance. By consciously breathing, you can calm your mind, reduce stress and sharpen your focus. It is fascinating to experience how simple breathing exercises can change your entire mindset.
Breathing is a powerful tool that we all have at our disposal, but we often don't use it to its full potential. During the Breath Energizer session, you will learn how to use your breathing to revitalize yourself and make yourself stronger mentally and physically.
Box breathing, also known as square breathing, is a breathing technique that helps calm the mind and reduce stress.
In box breathing, you inhale, hold your breath, exhale and hold your breath there, all for an equal length of time. It is called "box breathing" because breathing follows a square pattern, with each side of the square corresponding to a phase of breathing.
To begin box breathing, follow these steps:
- Sit comfortably with a straight back and relax your body.
- Breathe calmly through your nose for 4 sec.
- Hold your breath for 4 sec.
- Exhale calmly through your mouth or nose for 4 sec.
- Hold your breath there for 4 sec.
- Repeat this cycle of inhale, hold, exhale and hold for 3 minutes. If you do this technique regularly you can build it up after, say, 15 minutes. You will find that you can then calm yourself and reduce stress. It is a simple but effective technique that you can use at any time of the day.
If you would like to learn more about Breath Work keep an eye on our Events to join us at an extended Breath Work session.
Love & Peace,