House Rules + Terms & Conditions

In order to spend time together in good harmony at Black & White Community, we have established some guidelines. These are mainly the rules related to good decency and acceptable hygiene. We do this so that no one can be bothered by the behavior or odors of another club member. We expect all club members to comply with these rules and kindly ask for your cooperation. If there is anything in your eyes wrong with the location, the lessons, the reception or anything else, we would of course like to hear about it and will, if necessary, take steps to improve it.


  • The relationship between club members and employees is based on mutual respect.
  • Access to our premises and parking lot is for club members, their guests and/or visitors to our facilities.
  • You are kindly requested to be generally clean and free of sweat, smoke or any other unpleasant smells when beginning a workout.
  • Wear comfortable and non-slippery clothing.
  • Leave your coat in the cloakroom.
  • Please put your bags and other clothing in the dressing room or in the appropriate lockers.
  • It is not allowed to leave any items in the studios, due to safety in the case of an evacuation.
  • You are responsible for your own body.
  • Always stay within your own boundaries. If you have injuries or other physical ailments, you can report these to your instructor.
  • If necessary, consult your doctor about your conditions.
  • Please turn off your phone during your workout
  • Please do not change your clothes in the lobby or the workout rooms. Some people may be flustered by your dazzling presence.
  • Participants must be at least 16 years of age. Children do not have access to the studios, but they may watch from outside the windows.
  • Please recycle your waste and put it in the appropriate bins.
  • Please make sure to be absolutely quiet in the quiet room.
  • Visitors who do not take part in the lesson may wait in the lobby.


During a Lesson

  • The use of a towel is mandatory.
  • Outdoor shoes are not allowed in the workout rooms.
  • Please report any injuries or pregnancies before the workout.
  • Always follow the intructions.
  • Pleae arrive on time. A full warm-up is important for your own safety.
  • Please stay until the end of your workout. A proper cooldown is important to prevent injuries.
  • Food is not allowed in the workout rooms.
  • Chewing gum is not allowed (and should not be spat in the parking lots)


Club Power

After use, please put the weights back in place.
Slide and remove the weights on a horizontal bar, not on a standing one. The floor cannot withstand this.
After use, please return the step to its lowest position.
Please fold the mats in the correct way and put them in the appropriate cupboard.


B&K Training

Register via the timetable in our App.
You can use our gloves. If you are going to do it more often, we advise you to buy a pair yourself.



Register via the timetable in our App.
Taking multiple classes in a row is subject to availability.
ATB shoes used outside are not allowed.
Do not change shirts in the hall or lounge. Please use the changing room for this.
A towel is mandatory. If you perspire a lot, you need to put a towel under your bike.
Please unscrew all buttons after the lesson.
Please clean and dry your bike after the lesson.


Yoga & Pilates

Stay in your own energy, respect that other club members want to follow their class quietly.
Bring your own plaid or large towel. Mats and cushions are available.
It is not possible to follow the yoga class if the class has already started. This is to ensure the peace for the other participants
Do not enter the yoga room with shoes, in the hall only bare feet or socks.
Your mobile phone must be switched off.
It is recommended to use your own yoga mat.
Take a shower before class. Happy Teacher 🙂


Dressing Rooms and Toilets

Please leave the room as it was when you came in.
Please clean the shower after use.
Please limit your shower time for the sake of the environment. Happy World!
Gentlemen! Please urinate here as you do at home, so IN the potty please 🙂



We reserve to right to dismiss any members who do not behave appropriately for the sake of our employees, other members and our positive atmosphere.


General terms and conditions

These General Terms and Conditions of NL Actief have been compiled in consultation with the Consumers' Association within the framework of the Self-Regulation Coordination Group of the Social and Economic Council and will come into effect on January 1, 2018.

General terms & conditions NL Actief

Article 1 Definitions
The Entrepreneur: natural or legal person who, as a member of NL Actief, enters into an Agreement regarding Fitness.
The Consumer: natural person who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business and who enters into an Agreement regarding Fitness.
Fitness: a service focused on physical and/or mental activity.
The Agreement: Agreement between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer regarding Fitness.
Written: written means both physical (paper) and digital.

Article 2 Applicability
These general terms and conditions apply to the conclusion and execution of all Agreements regarding Fitness, which are concluded between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer.

Article 3 The Offer
1. The Entrepreneur makes the offer In Writing or electronically. The offer is effective for a period indicated by the Entrepreneur. If the Entrepreneur has not set a deadline for acceptance, the offer will remain in force for two weeks after the date.
2. The offer includes at least:
- the cooling-off period, as referred to in Article 5;
- the facilities and guidance that can be used;
- the days and times when the facilities can be used;
- the costs for the subscription and the consequences for the costs in the event of earlier termination under Article 6. The offer clearly shows whether it concerns periodic costs or one-off costs;
- at what point the Entrepreneur can increase the costs annually pursuant to article 7;
- the method of payment and the payment term;
- the period of the Agreement and the associated notice period or, in the case of a strip card, the period of validity and;
- the (domestic) regulations.
3. The description of the offer must be sufficient to enable a proper assessment of the offer by the Consumer.
4. With the offer, the general terms and conditions are made available In Writing, in such a way that the Consumer has been able to take note of them and keep them.

Article 4 The Agreement
The Agreement is established by the Consumer's acceptance of the offer. The Agreement is strictly personal.

Article 5 Reflection Period
1. During a reflection period of one week after signing the Agreement, the Consumer has the opportunity to revoke the Agreement free of charge. This right of withdrawal ends when the Consumer makes earlier use of the fitness facilities.
2. For Agreements concluded at a distance (such as through the website of the Entrepreneur), a reflection period of fourteen calendar days applies. During that period, the Consumer has the opportunity to revoke the Agreement free of charge. If the Consumer, at his own request, uses the services of the Trader during the reflection period and he subsequently exercises his right of withdrawal, he shall owe a proportional fee for the period during which he used the services of the Trader.

Article 6 Duration and termination
1. The Operator offers the Consumer:
- a 1-year Agreement
If the Consumer wishes to terminate a 1-year Agreement, he must do so - unless otherwise agreed - at the end of the subscription period, subject to a notice period of 1 month, all in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article. If the Consumer does not terminate in time, the Agreement will continue indefinitely after the agreed period. The Consumer may terminate an Agreement for an indefinite period at any time, subject to a notice period of 1 month, all in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.
2. If the Agreement is concluded for a term longer than 1 year, then after 1 year the Consumer has the possibility to terminate the Agreement with due observance of a notice period of 1 month, all this in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.
3. The Consumer may terminate the Agreement during the term if:
- the Consumer (preferably) obtains another residential address in writing and - as a result of the increased travel time - it is no longer possible for the Consumer to use the fitness activities. If another branch of the company in question with equivalent facilities and service level is located within a reasonable travel time of the new place of residence, this situation does not apply.
- as a result of a demonstrable injury or illness at the time of termination, it has become impossible for the Consumer to make use of the fitness activities during the remainder of the subscription period.
The termination must take place with due observance of the notice period of 1 month by the end of the payment period, all this in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article. In case of a termination on the basis of a demonstrable injury and/or illness, the notice period starts at the time of termination with simultaneous submission of the documents (statement from a doctor or other recognized specialist) that at least shows that Consumer is unable to exercise due to an injury and/or illness.
4. The Consumer must terminate the Agreement In Writing. In the event of a termination as referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, the Entrepreneur is entitled to recalculate the contribution for the expired subscription period on the basis of the period actually taken and the corresponding demonstrable subscription and/or registration fee.
5. In addition to the cancellation option referred to in paragraph 3, a freezing option exists for the Consumer. If the Consumer cannot use the fitness activities for a period of more than one month due to a demonstrable injury or illness, the contract period will be extended consecutively by this period without additional subscription fees being charged over this period. This does not affect the right of the Entrepreneur to charge the Consumer reasonable administrative costs for this.
6. The Operator may terminate the Agreement prematurely and with immediate effect if:
- the Consumer violates one or more provisions of these terms and conditions or of the applicable (housekeeping) regulations, unless the violation does not justify premature termination or;
- the Consumer has behaved unlawfully towards the Operator or towards a contractor of the Operator.
The Operator will not refund the remaining subscription fee in these cases. This is independent of any obligation on the part of the Consumer to pay compensation for damages attributable to him.
7. If the Entrepreneur terminates his business, then early termination by the Entrepreneur is possible subject to a notice period of 1 month. The Entrepreneur will refund the remaining subscription fee in that case.

Article 7 Price and price changes
1. The subscription fee is agreed upon prior to the conclusion of the agreement.
2. The Entrepreneur will announce any price increases sufficiently in advance 4 weeks in advance.
3. In the event of a price increase, the Consumer has the right to terminate the Agreement within 4 weeks of the announcement of that increase by the Operator. The prepaid subscription fee that relates to the period after the dissolution will then be refunded by Operator. The subscription fee payable by the Consumer will then be recalculated according to the actual subscription period.
4. The possibility of dissolution from paragraph 3 does not apply to price adjustments on the basis of the CBS price index figure for family consumption or to price adjustments that arise directly from the law, such as a VAT increase, unless such a price increase is announced by the Operator within 3 months after the conclusion of the Agreement. In the latter case, the Consumer has the right to terminate the Agreement up to 3 months after its conclusion. The prepaid subscription fee relating to the period after the dissolution will then be refunded by Operator. The subscription fee owed by Consumer will then be recalculated to the actual subscription period.
5. For memberships purchased through third parties, where the payment period is paid by invoice, a 15% surcharge will be charged on top of the regular membership fees.

Article 8 Obligations of the Entrepreneur
1. The Operator guarantees that the facilities and services provided comply with the Agreement.
2. The Entrepreneur subjects the facilities to the required maintenance.
3. If the Entrepreneur uses the services of instructors and/or supervisors, it guarantees that the instructors and/or supervisors have sufficient knowledge that can reasonably be expected.
4. The Entrepreneur shall ensure that sufficient first aid equipment is available.
5. The Entrepreneur shall comply with the quality protocol of NL Actief, namely: 'NL Actief certification' including the doping covenant.
6. The Operator will take sufficient measures to prevent damage to or loss of property of Consumers.

Article 9 Obligations of the Consumer
1. The Consumer shall comply with the instructions given by the Entrepreneur and the (internal) regulations.
2. The Consumer must report a medical contraindication for Fitness to the Entrepreneur.
3. The Consumer must follow the instructions of the Entrepreneur or the employees appointed by him. The Consumer is not allowed to use equipment or facilities, with which the Consumer is not familiar. If the Consumer is not familiar with one or more devices or facilities, he should make this known to the Operator, so that the Operator can provide an explanation.
4. The Consumer is not allowed to use the devices and facilities if he is under the influence of drink, drugs, medication or substances designated as doping.
5. The Consumer is not allowed to smoke in the fitness areas provided by the Entrepreneur.
6. The Consumer must communicate changes in postal address, email address, bank account number and phone number to the Entrepreneur electronically via the app in a timely manner.

Article 10 Interim Changes
1. The Entrepreneur may make interim changes to the facilities, class schedules, programs and opening hours offered. The Entrepreneur will give adequate notice of the intended changes at least 4 weeks in advance.
2. For changes, as referred to in paragraph 1, to the detriment of the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to terminate the subscription without notice for 4 weeks after the announcement, unless the change does not justify a termination. If the aforementioned termination is justified, the prepaid subscription fee will be refunded.

Article 11 Proof of participation
1. After payment of the amount due and upon presentation of valid identification, the Consumer will receive a certificate of participation. If requested, the proof of participation will be used upon entry for registration of the visit.
2. If the certificate of participation is lost or damaged, a new certificate may be requested. An Entrepreneur is entitled to charge reasonable costs for this.

Article 12 Payment
1. The subscription fees due will be charged and paid in the manner agreed upon.
2. If payment is not made on time, the Consumer will be in default after being notified of this in writing by the Operator and still being given the opportunity to pay the outstanding amount within 2 weeks.
3. After the new payment date has passed, the Entrepreneur is entitled to charge statutory interest and extrajudicial costs pursuant to Article 6:96(2)(c) and (5) of the Dutch Civil Code. Furthermore, the Entrepreneur is authorized to refuse the Consumer access to the fitness facilities.

Article 13 Liability
1. The Operator is liable to the Consumer for damage resulting from an attributable failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement and for damage that is at the expense and risk of the Operator. The Entrepreneur is not liable for damage to or loss of property, unless different arrangements have been made in this regard or if there is wrongful conduct on the part of the Entrepreneur.
2. The Entrepreneur shall take out adequate insurance against his business risks. The coverage of this insurance shall be at least €1,000,000 per case. The liability of the Entrepreneur is limited to the insured amount, increased by the excess.
3. The Consumer is liable to the Entrepreneur for damages resulting from an attributable failure to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement and for damages that are at the expense and risk of the Consumer.

Article 14 Complaints
1. The Contractor has a sufficiently publicized complaints procedure and handles complaints in accordance with this procedure.
2. The Consumer shall submit complaints about the performance of the Agreement to the Contractor as soon as possible - but no later than four weeks after the Consumer has discovered the defects - unless this cannot reasonably be expected of him. These complaints must be complete, clearly described and accompanied by any evidence.
3. Failure to file a complaint in a timely manner may result in the Consumer losing his rights in the matter.
4. The Entrepreneur answers complaints submitted to him by the Consumer as soon as possible - but at the latest within four weeks - calculated from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeably longer processing time, the Entrepreneur answers by return with a notice of receipt and an indication of the period within which the Consumer can expect a more detailed answer.
5. If the complaint cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is subject to the dispute resolution procedure.

Article 15 Disputes Committee
1. Disputes between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer that relate to:
- the conclusion of the Agreement or,
- the performance of the Agreement,
can be brought by both the Consumer and the Entrepreneur before the Geschillencommissie Sport en Beweging, Bordewijklaan 46, 2509 LP The Hague (
2. A dispute will only be dealt with by the Disputes Committee if the Consumer has first submitted his/her complaint to the Entrepreneur fully and clearly described in accordance with Article 14.
3. A dispute must be submitted to the Disputes Committee no later than 12 months after the date on which the Consumer submitted the complaint to the Entrepreneur. The dispute shall be submitted in writing, stating the name of the Consumer and the Entrepreneur, a clear and complete description of the dispute and submission of any evidence.
4. When the Consumer submits a dispute to the Disputes Committee, the Entrepreneur is bound by this choice. If the Trader wishes to submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, he must ask the Consumer to state within five weeks whether he agrees. The Entrepreneur must thereby announce that after the expiry of the aforementioned period he will consider himself free to bring the dispute before the court.
5. Disputes that relate to the non-payment of the subscription fee and which are not based on a substantive complaint, or relate to death, physical injury or illness shall be settled by the courts to the exclusion of the Disputes Committee.
6. The Disputes Committee shall rule in accordance with the provisions of the regulations applicable to it. The regulations of the Disputes Committee will be sent upon request. A fee is payable for handling a dispute.
7. The committee renders a decision by way of a binding opinion. The decision is binding on both parties. Annulment of the binding opinion can only take place by submitting the opinion to the court within two months after the opinion has been sent. The court can only annul the binding opinion if the judgment in connection with the contents or manner of realization would, under the given circumstances, be unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness.

Article 16 Compliance guarantee
1. NL Actief guarantees compliance with the binding opinion unless one of the parties submits the binding opinion to the court for review within two months of its dispatch. This guarantee will revive if the binding opinion is upheld after review by the court and the judgment to that effect has become final. This amount will be paid to the consumer by NL Actief up to a maximum of EUR 10,000 for each binding opinion, on condition that the consumer, when invoking the compliance guarantee, simultaneously surrenders his or her claim under the binding opinion to NL Actief up to the amount paid. For amounts greater than € 10,000 per binding opinion, the consumer will be paid an amount of € 10,000. For the excess amount, NL Actief has a best-efforts obligation to ensure that the member complies with the binding advice. This best-efforts obligation means that the consumer will be offered to transfer his or her claim to NL Actief, after which this organization will seek payment of it in court in its own name and at NL Actief's expense, or the consumer will be offered that NL Actief will conduct (extrajudicial) collection proceedings in the consumer's name and at NL Actief's expense, all at NL Actief's discretion.
2. NL Actief will not provide a compliance guarantee if one of the following situations applies before the dispute has been heard by the Sports and Movement Disputes Committee and a final decision has been rendered at the hearing:
- the entrepreneur has been granted a moratorium on payments;
- the entrepreneur has been declared bankrupt;
- the entrepreneur's business activities have been discontinued. Decisive for this situation is the date on which the cessation of business is recorded in the Trade Register or an earlier date on which NL Actief can make it plausible that the business activities have in fact ended.

Article 17 Amendment clause
NL Actief is entitled to amend or supplement the general terms and conditions of delivery, in consultation with the Consumer Association. In the event of changes, the Consumer will be informed in advance of what they concern and will be given the opportunity to dissolve the Agreement in accordance with section 6:237 under c of the Dutch Civil Code. The Entrepreneur informs the Consumer at least two months in advance about the changed conditions and their effective date. If the Consumer wishes to terminate the Agreement as a result of the amendment, he must do so at least one month before the effective date. The cancellation will take effect one month after receipt of the cancellation by the Entrepreneur.

Article 18 Applicable Law
All Agreements to which these conditions are declared applicable shall be governed by Dutch law unless otherwise provided by mandatory law.

"Every day is a new chance to get stronger, eat better and live healthier. Create the best version of yourself!"

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Breda Spirit Festival

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Buy your ticket(s) for the Breda Spirit Festival now!

The Breda Spirit Festival is a day filled with music, yoga and spirituality. Let's connect and share the love!

Black & White Kafe closed through Aug. 18

Kafe is closed through Aug. 18 and will reopen its doors on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to prepare the most delicious dishes for you!
