Green Zone Breda,
Try now 10 days for €10
Are you ready to lose weight and feel fitter than ever? Join our 12-week program: Get in Shape! We offer you a complete program with personal coaching, goal-oriented training and nutritional support to achieve your goals.
Comprehensive intake and personal coaching:
At the start of the program you will have a comprehensive intake with lifestyle coach Koert. Together you will discuss your goals and create a customized plan. Every 10 days you will have a 1-on-1 moment with him to evaluate your progress, keep your motivation high and adjust your plan if necessary.
Customized training:
You'll train 2 to 4 times a week, depending on your goals. With the BioCircuit and dynamic TeamBeats workouts, you'll work specifically on fat burning, fitness and muscle building. Thanks to our wide opening hours, 7 days a week, there is always a suitable time to train.
Nutritional guidance through the VYTAL app:
Nutrition plays a crucial role in losing weight. Through the VYTAL app, you will receive a customized nutrition plan and daily feedback. During your coach calls, you will discuss your progress and any adjustments.
Daily motivation via WhatsApp:
You will be inspired daily through our private WhatsApp group. Here you will receive tips, information and motivation from your coach and fellow participants to keep you on track.
After the 12 weeks:
Together with Koert, you will discuss how to maintain your weight or continue to lose it. This way you will ensure a lasting result.
Clubmembers and strippenkaart users:
For only 99 euros, you can participate in the program in addition to your valid club membership or strippenkaart.
Green Zone and Full Membership members:
For you, participation is free! The program is included with your subscription.
Non-members can also join the program. For 299 euros, you get 12 weeks of access to the weight loss program, including personal coaching, workouts, nutritional guidance via the VYTAL app and daily motivation.
Sign up using one of the buttons below and choose "Get in Shape.
Are you ready to take the plunge? Members and strip card users can sign up through the app. Non-members can purchase the program through the webshop. Together we will make sure you reach your goals and feel good about yourself.
© 2022 Black & White. All rights reserved.
Learn more about our memberships.
This offer applies only with an annual Club, Green AND Full Membership.
The Breda Spirit Festival is a day filled with music, yoga and spirituality. Let's connect and share the love!
Kafe is closed through Aug. 18 and will reopen its doors on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to prepare the most delicious dishes for you!