Green Zone Breda,
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Performing in a healthy way

You have a busy day at work, full of meetings and a to-do list that will blow your mind. You might be wondering, how are you going to get it all done? How do you make sure you perform optimally, in the healthiest way possible?


The answer is very simple: Take care of yourself


But how do you apply this to a busy job, where you have no time for yourself at all?


Time can be made

Of course, this is easier said than done. In a world where everyone expects a lot from you, it is difficult to say no and to choose for yourself. Yet it is very important to set the right priorities at work (and outside it). By taking short breaks regularly, you ensure that your mind can relax for a while. You will earn back this time very quickly, because afterwards you will be able to work much more efficiently and creatively. Take a short walk, have a casual chat with a colleague, or just go outside. You will notice that your body and mind will thank you.

Water, water and more water

In addition to stimulating the mind and counteracting fatigue, water also removes toxins. By drinking sufficient water, you stimulate the body's self-healing capacity. You cleanse your own body and all you have to do is drink enough water. A healthy body means a healthy mind (and vice versa). This ultimately ensures that your productivity goes up. And who wouldn't want that? Place a large water bottle on the table and agree with yourself that you will drink it every day. You will notice the difference, guaranteed. "No water, no life.


Try Office Yoga

Exercise is beneficial for the oxygen level in your mind. It also provides the necessary relaxation. Only a relaxed mind can be really creative. There are all kinds of ways to move, but we give special attention to Office Yoga.


Office Yoga can easily be done during your break. All you need is a desk and a chair, nothing else. The exercises are aimed at relaxing especially the neck, back and shoulders. These are areas of tension when working with computers. There are also exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs. This is because many people work sitting down.


We have created a 3-minute Office Yoga session for you. I would say: Join us!


Feel like having a meeting on location including a fully catered Office Yoga session by Black & White? Check out the possibilities below.

Sign up now and train for free for the first 4 weeks!

Learn more about our memberships.

This offer applies only with an annual Club, Green AND Full Membership.

Breda Spirit Festival

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Buy your ticket(s) for the Breda Spirit Festival now!

The Breda Spirit Festival is a day filled with music, yoga and spirituality. Let's connect and share the love!

Black & White Kafe closed through Aug. 18

Kafe is closed through Aug. 18 and will reopen its doors on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to prepare the most delicious dishes for you!
