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Babs' personal trajectory

As most of you know, I didn't always have an easy time this year. Because I greatly appreciate your involvement, I want to share my story with you. And maybe someone will recognize something in my story and you will want to know how I dealt with it. 

I realized that I was always trying to meet the expectations of others, to satisfy everyone. But what I forgot was that I also had to satisfy myself. I forgot about my own needs, my own desires and also my own pain. As a working mother of four children, I was always concerned with taking care of others. I wanted to be the perfect mother, a hard working entrepreneur and loving partner. I always wanted to be there for others, always solving the problems, always helping. But somewhere underneath all this caring and dedication, I felt a repressed sadness. A sadness that I did not express, because I had to be strong because everything had to go on and I was an important linchpin. I thought.
This behavior and my way of doing things came from my own unconscious beliefs, from experiences I had gone through, including from the time of my dance training, and which had shaped me. I had learned to put away my emotions, to always keep going, to never give in to dissatisfaction. But now, at this point in my life, I could no longer avoid it. Grief was surfacing and I could no longer ignore it. I realized that I could no longer continue to dismiss myself. I had to acknowledge myself, and give myself more attention and love. And that was very big and difficult for me. But it was also liberating, because by acknowledging this, I could also begin to heal.
I slowly but surely began to take steps toward self-love and self-acceptance. I learned to set boundaries, to say no when something became too much. I learned to choose for myself, to put my own needs first. And slowly but surely I felt the pain easing, felt myself getting stronger. 
Now, looking back on that period, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned so far. I am grateful for the people who have supported me and shown me that I can be there, with everything that presents itself. And I hope I can inspire others to also acknowledge their own pain or sadness, to choose for themselves and to heal. Because we all deserve to be happy, to put ourselves first. We deserve to be free of repressed feelings and to embrace ourselves with love and care. 
Over the past two years I have taken many courses on personal development, self love and self care. Each time I felt I wanted to do something with this. Trainings that have shaped me and helped me such as Breath work, Theta healing, Trauma release, Cacao facilitator and inner essence journey facilitator. I have received many tools that are helpful to heal and grow. I experienced it myself and discovered that many of us have similar challenges. Because I would like to share this valuable development, I have created a separate website for this. Here you can find everything in the field of Love & Care. And to make it easy, the website is called

It's a beautiful addition to everything I'm working on and something I'm very eager to share and bring out into the world, because I know we all need love and care.

Love & Peace,

Babs Wille

Kafe inside

Dear Guests,

It is with a double feeling that I want to let you know that we have decided to close our vegan restaurant Kafe effective immediately. This means that Kafe will no longer be open as of Monday (February 24).

This was definitely not an easy decision. We have put an enormous amount of love, passion and energy into Kafe, and we are enormously grateful for your loyalty, sociability and support over the past time. However, we noticed more and more that running Kafe distracted us from where our hearts really lie: with sports, yoga and connection.

We are now looking for an enthusiastic entrepreneur who wants to continue this wonderful place in the same healthy, conscious style that you appreciate about Kafe. Do you know someone who is interested or do you have your own ideas? Be sure to let us know!

We want to thank you so much for all the wonderful moments we shared together. Hopefully we will still see each other regularly in our community, at a yoga class or at the Sportsclub.

With warm greetings,
Marcel & Babs
Black & White Community

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Breda Spirit Festival

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Buy your ticket(s) for the Breda Spirit Festival now!

The Breda Spirit Festival is a day filled with music, yoga and spirituality. Let's connect and share the love!

Black & White Kafe closed through Aug. 18

Kafe is closed through Aug. 18 and will reopen its doors on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to prepare the most delicious dishes for you!
