What is a cocoa ceremony?

You hear more and more about cacao ceremonies these days, but what are they really and where do they come from? And more importantly, why participate in them?

A cocoa ceremony is a spiritual gathering in which cocoa drinks are consumed to create a deeper connection with ourselves and others. These ceremonies originate in the ancient traditions of indigenous peoples in Central and South America, who have used cocoa for spiritual, healing and ceremonial purposes for thousands of years.

Cocoa is considered a sacred plant and is often referred to as "the food of the gods." It contains several substances that affect our bodies and minds, such as theobromine and anandamide. These substances can help us go deeper into meditation, explore our emotions and expand our awareness.

The reasons for participating in a cacao ceremony can vary. Some people are seeking a deeper connection with themselves and others, while others are seeking spiritual growth and insights. A cocoa ceremony can also help people release old emotions, gain clarity and find inner peace.

The most important aspect of a cocoa ceremony, however, is the intention and willingness to be open to the experience. It is not a magical drink that will solve all your problems, but rather a tool to guide you on your inner journey. It is important to allow yourself to feel and experience what comes up, without judgment or expectations.

A cocoa ceremony can be a powerful and transformative experience. It can help us dive deeper into ourselves, discover our inner wisdom and connect with our true selves.

Love & Peace,

Babs Wille

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

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