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Oxygen is the beginning of a healthy lifestyle

That oxygen is our body's number one basic need needs no explanation. But did you know that oxygen also provides a clear mind, more energy and neutralises toxins? And that it increases life expectancy and makes you feel much more positive? It is therefore important that you make sure you get plenty of oxygen into your body. How do you do that? How do you do that? And what about basic need number 2, nutrition?



Anyone who has experienced childbirth up close knows what it is like. After an intense period of dilation, contractions and pushing, the most beautiful gift in the world arrives on earth. Your child is born, you can hardly believe it...


When a baby comes into the world, the first thing he or she does is breathe. This is a good thing, because oxygen is the number one necessity of life.


What does oxygen do?

O2 or oxygen ensures that our cells can generate energy. They do this by combusting nutrients from the blood. Compare it to fire. If a lot of oxygen reaches the flame, it will burn well. Little waste products will also be produced. If there is too little oxygen, the flame is weaker and produces a lot of waste products. This is also how it works in our bodies. It is therefore incredibly important that we as humans breathe properly and absorb the oxygen throughout our bodies.


3 Tips: How do you absorb more oxygen?


1. Go outside!

First of all, it is important to get outside every day. This is something that most people know. Do you get outside enough?


2. Prevent stress

What not everyone knows is that increased stress levels affect your breathing. Your breathing becomes shallow and thus automatically absorbs less oxygen. Techniques such as yoga can help you become more aware of your breathing. This allows you to consciously take in more oxygen.


3. Get out of your comfort zone

Sports, cold showers and timely relaxation increase oxygen uptake.

Exercising or exposing yourself to a cold shower cold shower, you step out of your comfort zone. It triggers a reaction that makes your body function better. The biggest advantage I find is the extra supply of oxygen to your cells. Especially with a cold shower, all the blood vessels open up and it's a lot easier for your heart to do this. for your heart to pump this oxygen-rich blood around.

In short, oxygen is the number one necessity of life and it is free.


Nutrition: Basic requirement #2

It may be a bit silly to go back to the newborn baby, but it is still a very good example. After the newborn baby has breathed, he or she is usually (unless this is not possible) laid on the mother's chest. Almost immediately afterwards, he or she "crawls" to the breast to refuel with delicious breast milk. Nature shows us once more what is really important. Nutrition is basic need number 2. Together with oxygen, it triggers the healthy combustion we were talking about earlier. It gives your body and mind the energy to go through life with full force.


What is real food?

It sometimes seems as if we have forgotten what real food is. Real, pure, unprocessed food is not necessarily easy to find. We live in a world where too little attention is paid to something so essential. The organic industry is going wild and vegetables are being genetically manipulated. Apart from that, almost everything is wrapped in non-biodegradable plastic. It is important to change this, for us and for our children.


Do you eat to live or live to eat?

A question my yoga teacher always asked: Do you eat to live or do you live to eat?

Let's take good care of our bodies by eating healthy plant-based foods. You can do a lot yourself with fresh vegetables, fruit and beans, for example. Of course, it is important that your food is tasty. There are so many rich cuisines in the world that there is plenty of inspiration. Make your food a party with delicious spices, refreshing methods of preparation and dazzling combinations. 


Take care of yourself, you deserve it!


Fancy taking a sport or yoga class? You are more than welcome to take a trial lesson!


Love & Peace,

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Breda Spirit Festival

Sunday, June 25, 2023

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The Breda Spirit Festival is a day filled with music, yoga and spirituality. Let's connect and share the love!

Black & White Kafe closed through Aug. 18

Kafe is closed through Aug. 18 and will reopen its doors on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to prepare the most delicious dishes for you!
